1 | Name of the ULB | Bhongir Municipality |
2 | Year of Constitution | 1952 |
3 | Area ( in Sq.kms) | 76.537 |
4 | Distance from Capital ( in kms) | 48 Kms |
5 | Number of Municipal Wards/Divisions | 35 / 0 |
6 | Number of Revenue Wards/Divisions | 5 / 0 |
7 | Total Population as per Census 2011 | 59844 |
8 | Male Population as per 2011 Census | 30265 |
9 | Female Population as per 2011 Census | 29579 |
10 | Households as per Census 2011 (Number) | 12165 |
11 | Population as per Census 2001 (Number) | 50407 |
12 | Male Population as per 2001 Census | 25967 |
13 | Female Population as per 2001 Census | 24440 |
14 | Households as per Census 2001 (Number) | 8970 |
15 | No of house hold as per 2014 (Intensive House Hold Survey) | 15000 |
16 | Projected Population as on date (Number) | 65000 |
17 | Number of Mee Seva Centers | 6 Nos. |
18 | No of E-seva centers | 1 |
19 | Number of Municipal Service Centres | 0 |
20 | Longtitude | Longitude 78° E |
21 | Latitude | Latitude 17° N |